Ten Loves: Polly Morgan

Ten Curates Polly Morgan 2

I grew up with a boy who collected taxidermy. I mean, I was more of a Barbie fan but we don’t judge here. Different strokes for different folks and all that. If you, like my childhood friend, love a dead animal then Polly Morgan is the girl for you, the artist creating the most amazing sculptures from – what else? – dead animals. Well preserved ones of course. How one stumbles into taxidermy is a mystery, but when the pieces being created are so fab does it even matter? Lucky for you here at Ten we have a little shop you may have heard of – Ten Curates. Find there a selection of pieces hand-picked by our Editrix-in-Chief, Sophia Neophitou, from illustration to furniture, fragrance to jewellery. And, of course, the work of Polly Morgan. Click below to buy.


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