Vico Skin Offers A Holistic Approach To Skincare With Screen Star

Ever wanted skin that glows like the celebs on the red carpet? Well, now you can, with the help of skin and laser expert for stars Jasmina Vico. The founder of Vico Skin, a skincare brand and clinic that can be found on London’s Percy Street, Vico has looked after famous faces to the likes of Margot Robbie, Dua Lipa, Jodie Comer and more. The Croatia-born skincare professional has been developing her craft for over two decades, with the simple aim of giving her clients comfort and security in their natural beauty.

Having spent 22 years studying aesthetics and skin health in order to understand the body and how it reacts to certain products, Vico believes in a more holistic approach to skincare. She tells 10, “It’s about understanding the whole body and how factors like gut and liver health and even socio-cultural influences, affect our skin.” She follows an axis-based philosophy regarding the gut, brain and skin, believing all are connected and must be considered in order to tackle the root of any problem, rather than simply dealing with the surface. Referring to the connection between our digestive system, mental health and dermis, Vico explains, “When clients come to visit my clinic in Fitzrovia, London, I am like a little detective, trying to get to the root cause from the inside out.”

During her time in the industry, Vico has seen the way skincare has evolved within pop culture and has grown concerned at the wealth of information that people have access to today. She’s conscious of how easy it is to fall into traps of buying and misusing products, feeling as though she has a duty to educate and promote healthy skincare routines, which in turn, drove her to establish Vico Skin in 2023. “It’s especially concerning to see young people using potent ingredients like retinol-based products in social media trends,” Vico says. “This just highlights for me the need for proper guidance and education around skincare.”

Whilst also observing the increased screen time our generation has grown accustomed to, Vico developed her now-revered product Screen Star, which aims to provide red carpet skin to everyone by instantly targeting signs of inflammation and dehydration, while boosting collagen synthesis and strengthening the skin barrier over time. “We named our product Screen Star because we also wanted to capture the essence of what it delivers: a radiant, glowing complexion that looks incredible on camera on our film and TV star clients.” Her wide range of celeb clients, who are constantly under harsh lighting with cameras pointing at them from every direction, inspired the product. It is formulated to support the skin’s health and radiance – even under the stressors of set lighting and advanced camera technology. Vico emphasises that Screen Star isn’t just for celebrities though.We constantly hold our phones up, capturing moments and sharing our lives on our own personal screens,” she says. Whether you’re on stage, on screen, or just taking a selfie on your ones, Vico believes that “everyone deserves to feel like the star of their own universe”. Intrigued? Us too. Discover Screen Star for yourself here.

Photography courtesy of Vico Skin.

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