Fendi Unveil Their Luxurious Sloane Street Boutique

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F is for Fendi but it’s also for fabulous, which is really the only word we can find to describe their brand new Sloane street store. As befitting the purveyors of luxury, every detail has been taken into consideration – from rails fitted with LEDs, changing rooms with corduroy walls and mink benches, to plexiglass shelves custom made for the shop. It’s really quite breathtaking.

The space is designed by Emiliano Salci and Britt Moran of Milan-based interior and design firm DIMORESTUDIO, who have previously designed stores as well as Fendi interiors. A fruitful relationship, clearly. The interior feels like the chic home of a rich Italian aunt who doesn’t like her family because they are not as rich or fabulous as her and so doesn’t let you sit on the chairs. That said, the store is far more welcoming and thankfully you can totally sit on all the chairs. We suggest you go check it out yourself, as we did last night (with champagne) whether to do some Christmas shopping or at least get some design inspiration for your own drab home. Fur everything is what we’ve decided.


07_FENDI Sloane Street boutique_first floor shoes 03_FENDI Sloane Street boutique_Ground floor accessories

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