Oh, Dame Viv. How you never disappoint. How do you find time to create such fine clothing whilst simultaneously saving the world? For Spring, it was all about Venice. Why? Because it’s sinking, being slowly forced under water by changes in the climate. Which is obviously a bad thing. But Viv doesn’t brow-beat – this show was all about celebration – a homage to Venice’s carnival atmosphere, its tradition of masquerade. For how better to save something than by reminding us how much there would be to be missed? Boys and girls walked out, faces concealed by various guises – glittering masks, sprays of embellished net, drapes of chiffon that descended from oversized hats. Venice’s carnival has a history of cross-dressing and that emerged here too – the boys in long dresses and infantilised bloomers, whilst the girls wore mannish blazers, pitched at the shoulders. Those traditionally Westwood-y shapes remained – the twisted of baroque, the exploding skirts, but as always, there felt like plenty of new things to see. So we’re sold – we’re heading off with Viv to save the world. Over and out.
Photographs by Jason Lloyd-Evans