Seeing as it was a certain supermodel named Kate’s birthday yesterday, this is quite appropriate. See we love models, and we love Saint Laurent, so naming an iconic bag after an iconic model well, there’s no stopping our clammy hands reaching for said bag. This here bag is a good one as well- not too big, not too small, just the size for all the things one needs for a night out; phone, keys, lipstick. Because if you are rocking a Saint Laurent bag you probably have the hot dress and the it shoe, so everyone else will be buying you drinks ’cause you look that damn good. Do you think Kate Moss has to buy her own drinks? Exactly. But lets be honest, the real reason you don’t have your wallet in your Kate bag is that you don’t have any money left because you spent it all on fabulous fashions. We don’t blame you, we do the same thing, but now that you’ve spent this money on looking gorge, don’t just sit at home- go out and show it off!