Editor-in-chic, as we like to call Ms Neophitou, is having a bit of a fit at the news that German luggage gods Rimowa and Italian luxury purveyors Fendi are coming together to birth a suitcase of great beauty. It’s well known Sophia doesn’t travel anywhere without her Rimowa – well three of them, she isn’t a fan of light packing – she’s also well known to have a thing for Fendi (a GIANT yellow shopping bag is currently sitting about 3 feet away from me), so the news of the two creating a fancy shmancy suitcase is all a bit too much. Here, the classic silver of a Rimowa is reworked with a the legendary FF logo. Subtle, not too flashy. We love it. If it wasn’t frowned upon, we would marry it. It’s finished with a sort of FF logo harness to keep everything in place. Spot us in an airport soon taking out new baby for a test fly.