As a savvy shopper and fashion lover, all purchases must be thought through and planned. Cost per wear is a big factor. So the fab DiorClub1 sunglasses are a great investment. Not only are they a major fashion statement, they are also practical for many occasions and multi function. Firstly, obviously, protecting ones eyes from the sun as sunglasses/ visor hybrid- why not fight off harmful rays in the most fabulous way possible? Secondly, maybe you like to bike or ride a scooter around the city like some grown adults we have observed (we don’t judge, well, we do, but…), there must be nothing worse than sailing around on your preferred mode of transport and getting a bug or dust in your eye, which may result in harm to you or other people. So Dior actually saves lives, you heard it here first. Thirdly, maybe you’ve found yourself in a similar situation to the following- on a date with a handsome man who’s very charming and has great chat but has a bit of a spitting habit when speaking. Simply pull out your DiorClub1 from your preferred Dior handbag and voila, still in the splash zone but no longer getting splashed. Whatever situation you find yourself in, the DiorClub1 will be there for you. Love us some practical fashion.