Another dose of photographic talent courtesy of London-based photographer Asia Werbel – here’s number 8 of Sophia’s favs from the project she set the image-makers attending Mastered: Photography with Nick Knight (find out more here). Now, Sophia in her infinite wisdoms chose not to display Asia’s final shoot but instead the experimental polaroids Asia took as part of the story board process. Trust her, she knows what she’s doing…
I was so excited to see the story board an would have loved the submission to have been the polaroids, think they were much more mysterious and far less predictable than the final decision to use film. Loved the composition but for me the the polaroids were magical, the blur the faded colour so good. Always go with initial gut instinct – these make for more memorable images and these are the ones I want to showcase Asia’s potential.
Sophia Neophitou
Editor-in-Chief, 10 and 10 Men