Bjork has stirred herself from her secluded house on an island somewhere near Iceland presumably to stock up on Ryvita crackers to get her through those cold tundra winters. While she was back (presumably at the supermarket), she revealed the news of an exhibition at Somerset House, as well as a show at the Royal Albert Hall. I guess she has to make that off island time count. We should count ourselves lucky that she did because we are going to get a healthy dose of audio and visual work from the Icelandic wonder child herself. Fun! Bjork herself said of the exhibition: “I am so excited to invite you all to Bjork digital exhibition at Somerset House….This is a further step into completing the full Vulnicura VR album which will come out soon”. Sounds exciting. The exhibition opens on September 1st and Bjork hopes YOU come. You don’t want to disappoint her do you? We’re sure it will be equally interesting and bizarre as we have have come to expect from this Icelandic enigma.