Sacai New Book Released

Sacai has got a new book out. It is, as you can see from this excerpt, quite amazing. We decided to get Saturday Night Live’s Stefon to review it for us, following the success of the runway reviews he did for us back in February. Over to you, Stefon.

“Time for a tome? If you’re looking for a new book for your coffee table then look no further. Rizzoli’s hottest book is ‘Sacai: A-Z’. Japanese founder and designer Chitose Abe has gone all out. This book has everything: a front, a back, pages. And there’s more – 200 photographs, essays by fashion journalists and collaborators, a seven-level course in adult education. No wait, that’s my book. And knock knock, who’s there? A white Gok Wan? No, it’s’s Tim Blanks sharing his thoughts on the fashion label. And let me tell you, his words are fashion gospel. When you open this book you’ll have your own When Harry Met Sally Moment. Only unlike Sally, you won’t be faking it.”

Thanks, Stefon. And thanks, Sacai. WE WANT THIS BOOK.

Out now.

By Ted Stansfield

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