Louis Vuitton’s Final Fantasy Campaign Star

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy is a fantasy and science fantasy RPG video game. Which, for those who did not spend their childhood square-eyed in front of a computer screen, stands for Role Playing Game. Sounds quite kinky doesn’t it? Well it’s not. It’s actually just means one of those games where you run around as a made-up character doing like, challenges and battles and that sort of thing. Kind of like Pokemon on the Gameboy. Everybody played that, right? But Final Fantasy is the best of the best of these game. According to Wikipedia, anyway. And it’s virtual heroine? Well, a rather fabulous pink-haired lady named Lightning, who, as of this week, can add Louis Vuitton campaign star to her list of superwoman credits, thanks to images released by Nicolas Ghesquiere on his Instagram. It all fits, really, Louis Vuitton’s SS16 collection itself being about computers, virtual reality and gamer chicks – and does Lightning not bear more than a passing resemblance to Fernanda Ly, Ghesquiere’s own pink-haired muse? On a more practical note, we also got to thinking that a Louis Vuitton handbag would be a nice addition to Lightning’s wardrobe – I mean, she has to collect like power ups and all that computer game business (maybe, we’ve never played) so why not do it in luxury? We know Lightning enjoys the finer things – in between saving the world from apocalypse (or so we assume the story goes) she also donned a Prada look in an old issue of Arena Homme+ (SS12 for fash buffs). Girl’s got taste.


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