Happy Halloween

Tenners, we would like to wish you a very happy Halloween. Fancy knowing what the residents of Ten Towers are doing to celebrate the occasion? Well, Will is painting three of his fingernails black. Chilling, I know. Vince is, apparently, dressing up as a yet-to-be-disclosed Kardashian sister. We’ve got our fingers and toes crossed that it’s Khloe. Rumours are flying around the office that Dominic is donning his infamous gimp mask for the night (check out his contributor’s picture in the new issue of 10 Men to see what I’m referring to). Natalie on the other hand has plans to clean her flat and I’m going to visit my parents in Bristol. Blood-curdling. Whether you’re plans involve nail varnish, Kardashian-themed transvestism or simply a well-needed scrub of the kitchen sink, we hope you all have a great night. Happy Halloween!

Picture: www.instagram.com/mandilennard

By Ted Stansfield

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