Behold the ultimate shoe. The holy grail of footwear. The reason why Chanel’s latest creation is the shoe of all shoes? Because it’s actually many shoes in one. Something of an ultimate hybrid. It’s a derby shoe, yes. But some might also call it a mule, due to it’s backless nature. It also has the qualities of a bowling shoe, with it’s bold and graphic design. It’s a smart shoe, but it’s also a fun shoe. It’s fun because it’s shiny. And gold. It’s basically all of our favourite things in one. As you might have guessed, we especially love gold here at 10. Why? “Cause it’s fucking opulent!” screams Dominic. And how about our gold devoted North London Princess / Editorial Directress Phoebe? “Gold makes me feel special”. See long time friend of Chanel G-Dragon sporting them in the polaroids above, including perforated and silvery creased leather styles. You saw them here first.