Antonio Berardi: Pre Fall 2018

Pre collections typically contain the pieces that you really want to fill your wardrobe, and Antonio Berardi’s 2018 Pre-Fall offering might just break said wardrobe, with its covetable wares. Dresses, knits, coats, trousers, you name it, they got it- in prints, solids and leathers. And we could’t help but notice that everything would work rather well for those who have a slightly kinky side to them, no matter the season- it is styled up with some pretty mean looking latex, so someone clearly had S&M on their mind.

There is a Japanese influence too, with the embroidered prints, and kimono style cross over fastenings and sleeves on jackets. You know the Berardi woman is well travelled because that woman is our very own Edatrix-in-Chief, and hell, she’s always on a plane, train or bus… ok not a bus, she’s not a fan of public transport. But you get the point- she’s always in a different part of the world and her wardrobe is a reflection of that. We tried to pick just one stand out Look, but we really can’t, because we want it all; the utility inspired parka coats cropped for a feminine touch, the green ruffle dress that’s so bright it wakes you up and slaps you in the face (in the best way possible), or maybe it’s the lush and plush cobalt blue roll neck jumper? We just cant decide, but why should we? When it’s all so fab it would be rude not to get everything.

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