Boy Meets Beauty: Chanel Palette Essentielle

Beauty1I’ve always been intrigued by makeup. I used to put on my Mum’s. That ended when I was about nine. Since, I’ve had my moments – school plays, dabbles with drag – but I’ve never thought about makeup on a daily basis, until now. Dum dum dum. Now, don’t get me wrong, I won’t be stepping out in a full face of makeup anytime soon (I’m far too sweaty) rather, I’m talking just a subtle dusting. Enough to enhance my “natural” beauty.

So, earlier last week Phoebe and I popped over to Chanel for a little beauty break (mostly we knew they had AC and it was 34 degrees out), where we were treated to a demonstration of “Palette Essentielle”. After seeing Phoebe get her primping, I felt a bit jealous, so I asked whether I could get it done as well. The make-up artist did seem a bit surprised, maybe it’s the fact I’m 6″2, 200lbs, and have a solid amount of facial hair? But lord knows, when I open my mouth a small purse falls out I am that gay, so obviously I wanted to get my mug beat.


First up, concealer. Full disclosure, I’m breaking out a bit at the moment, so she went in with the concealer – thank God. Step 2, highlighter, which she applied to the highest point of the cheek bone and the nose, which makes it look smaller (something I learned that from the many drag YouTube videos I’ve watched), and lastly, step 3, a pinch of rouge on the cheeks, which is maybe my favourite – the perfect shade of: I’ve had one drink/chatting with a handsome man/ it was a sunny day and I didn’t apply suncream, pink.

So for the last week I’ve been using the Palette Essentielle every day (in shade medium in case you were wondering). I won’t lie, it fits into my morning routine seamlessly. All the products apply with ease, and I just use my fingers – I mean, a brush is just too civilised for my liking. I’ll be honest, the confidence boost it’s given me is pretty high, knowing any redness is covered and just the natural glow of the highlighter has added a pep to my step. A friend even complimented me on it at the pub this past weekend, so I think it’s safe to say this experiment was a success. And, if you, like me, have thought about make-up but didn’t know where to start – the Chanel Palette Essentielle is a great place to start, available worldwide from the 4th of August 2017. I am now going to be quitting my job and become a full time beauty vlogger. Please comment, rate and subscribe. See  – I’m a natural no?

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