Kim Jones’s 10 People To Meet: Fran Cutler


“There are four ingredients to a good party,” says Fran Cutler. “The venue, people, great music and lots of booze!” Cutler should know – the best friend of Kate Moss and contributing editor of society bible Tatler is probably the most notorious party planner around. Everyone wants to be on her guest list. While she’s thrown some of the most legendary bashes in recent memory, she admits it’s not all about drinking champagne and schmoozing with the stars. “The biggest misconceptions about my job,” she says, “are that I’m out every night and that it’s incredibly glamorous.” Describing herself as a hard worker, she puts her blood, sweat and tears into what she does, which is exactly why she’s so good at it.

Ted Stansfield: When did you realise what you wanted to do?
Fran Cutler: “I don’t think I ever decided what I wanted to do, it just happened organically.”

TS: What are you most proud of?
FC: “My daughter.”

TS: What’s the wildest party you’ve ever planned/attended?
FC: “Over the years, I have planned and attended a lot of wild parties. But I suppose Kate Moss’s are always wild and wonderful.”

TS: Who are your three favourite people to party with and why?
FC: “It’s always changing because people can’t keep up with me [Laughs.]! People always fall by the wayside. Obviously my main stake is Kate Moss and all my gays – I can’t just pick one. And any one of the girls from the inner circle – you know who you are!”

TS: Who’s the best dancer you know?
FC: “My sister, Charlotte Cutler. You can ask anyone – she is definitely one of the best dancers in London.”

TS: In your opinion, what’s the best song to get people on the dance floor?
FC: “There isn’t one song in particular. But a song that everyone knows and reminds you of a great time always gets everyone on the dance floor.”

TS: What’s the best piece of advice someone has ever given you?
FC: “Shut up, take a deep breath and calm down!”


TS: What’s the last piece of clothing you bought for yourself?
FC: “How long have you got? As my friends will tell you I’m a serious shopaholic. There is always something new in my bag or online that I have just bought.”

TS: What’s one thing that’s underrated and one thing that’s overrated?
FC: “Underrated – hanging out with your girlfriends. Overrated – hanging out with your boyfriend.”

TS: What’s your favourite Instagram account?
FC: “It has to be @theartofshade_ and @rifat_ozbek.”

TS: What do you think makes Kim Jones so good at what he does?
FC: “Because he is a genius. He gets it. He’s got his ear to the ground and is a forward thinker.”

TS: What’s your favourite collection he’s designed?
FC: “I really loved SS16 – the embroidered silk jackets were amazing. I also loved the Jake and Dinos Chapman collection [AW13]. But I’m sure his next collection will be my new favourite.”

Stay tuned for the rest of the 10…

Text by Ted Stansfield
Photographer Kim Jakobsen To

Taken from 10 People To Meet in the latest issue of 10 Men FLUID UNIQUE BRAVE, on newsstands now…

Instagram: @francutlerevents

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