Not ones to toot our own horn (much) – but we are possessors of impeccable taste. So we straw-polled the team that resides in here Ten Towers and asked the question: what are you looking forward to at London Fashion Week Men’s?
“My darling Charles Jeffrey! His show has become a complete highlight of the week – last season I was totally transported by his brilliance. It was a performance moment that has been totally lacking, evoking emotion and power, culminating with the amazing pieces by Gary Card. Just brilliant. Truly excited to see what this season brings, and can’t wait to share the LOVERBOY stage at our joint party on Sunday!”
Sophia Neophitou, Editor-in-Chief
“Martine Rose literally came in and stole the whole of last London Fashion Week Men’s. Just like that. My favourite show of the week, and one of the best of the entire month.”
Garth Spencer, Executive Fashion Director
“I went to Danshan‘s debut presentation last season totally at the last minute. It was held in a Chinese Community Centre just off Leicester Square, where, in one of the upstairs meeting rooms Danshan created this serene milieu of boys shelling peanuts and reading Chinese newspapers. Nuts, but brilliant.Clothes were good too – workwear-tinged but full and drapey – completely up my street.
Jack Moss, Online Editor
“Why do I like a Craig Green show? Probably because I never know what I think about them until about three days later. I know this is a good thing because it’s the same problem I have after a Comme show and Raf. And because I’m really lazy I don’t like this. And yet I love this. One’s critical faculty (what remains of it) is put to the test: what do I think, like, really think after a Craig Green show? What does it mean and so on. Well, you did ask!”
Richard Gray, Senior Editor
“Absolutely LOVED the debut collection from Art School at Fashion East last season. The performance with the Theo Adams Company was inspired – I was totally captivated by the clothes and presentation. It just felt so fresh and vital – a fearless fashion moment – and I can’t wait to see what theatrics they come up with for their first runway show with MAN!”
Sophia Neophitou, Editor-in-Chief
I’ve got a Rottingdean Bazaar pube badge. Yes, that’s right: a white badge with pubes stuck on and laminated. What other wonders can one buy from Messrs. James Theseus Buck and Luke Brooks? Oh, all kinds of must-grab, take me now or lose me forever aceness. At their last show I did little wee wee at their jumpers with tights stuck on and a lumberjack shirt with dirty sports socks melted (I think they were melted) on the chest. I am HAVING this top. You mark my words. Mark THEM. I love all this fabulous perplexing nonsense. Love it. LOVE. IT.
Richard Gray, Senior Editor
I am, as always, massively excited for the Vivienne Westwood show. My hands-down highlight of last season was seeing Dame Viv strutting her stuff on the Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood Runway in Paris. She melted the fashion crowd’s carefully cultivated froideur in seconds, and even had us whooping and wolf whistling her on as she went. Amazing. There is something about her energy that it’s impossible not to be inspired by and the whole Vivienne Westwood show package is a dream- the clothes (obvs), the music, the casting, and then there’s the guests – Pammy Anderson and Detox from Drag Race anyone?
Phoebe Briggs, Editorial Director
“I’m excited for Liam Hodges for many reasons, but mostly because he always gives us something completely unexpected but undoubtedly Liam. Ever since his collection made mostly of Dickies trousers a few seasons ago I’ve been obsessed, he has this amazing ability to make clothes that people are actually wearing but you can’t find anywhere else. Plus the boys he casts are always (technical term) “weird ugly hot”. My fav.
Joel Traptow, Fashion Assistant
“Topman Design is always the first show I root out in the schedule. Why? Well, having worked so hard on last seasons show that I needed to spend the entirety of the following week in bed with tonsillitis, coughing to within an inch of my life, I now feel bound by blood. Or should that be sputum? Well, whichever is most fitting, my allegiance to Topman was set by my early adolescent years as suppliers of those fluorescent three-button V-neck tees, AKA the staple of every 12-year old circa 2007. Consider this my repayment.”
Finn Blythe, Editorial Assistant
Photographs from top Art School, courtesy of the Theo Adams Company, Charles Jeffrey, Craig Green and Liam Hodges by Jason Lloyd-Evans