10 Magazine’s Claudia Croft Is Now An Ambassador For The Graduate Fashion Foundation

The Graduate Fashion Foundation has just announced its latest cohort of global ambassadors, with 10’s very own editor-extraordinaire Claudia Croft heading up the pack. Consisting of 20 of the industry’s best and brightest – editors, designers, creative directors, the lot – the fresh intake will serve the fashion community by sharing their expertise with young talent and promoting GFF’s mission of bridging employment and education. Championing key initiatives across the GFF calendar, such as Graduate Fashion Week, the ambassador’s influence will also be felt through giving live university briefs and providing year-round mentorships.

“There’s so much creative talent here in the UK,” says Croft. “It’s important to support it and look to the future. I’m excited to play a part in that.” Joining our resident wordsmith will be designers like Labrum’s Foday Dumbuya, Nicholas Daley and Ashish Gupta of the London-based label Ashish. Advocates for inclusivity, like LGBTQ+ activist Jamie Windust, and sustainability, like Sustainably Influenced founder and podcaster Bianca Foley, are also included in the healthy crop of experts. 

“We are thrilled to have these leading industry voices and motivational changemakers join us as Global Ambassadors,” says Nicola Hitchens, Charity and Event Director at GFF. “Their expertise and experience will inspire the next generation of talent and help us continue our mission of supporting emerging creatives.” Discover more about the newly appointed ambassadors here.

Photography courtesy of Graduate Fashion Foundation.


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