My Happy Place: Shalom Brune-Franklin Is Part of 10’s New Creative Generation

A new creative generation is emerging from the devastation of lockdown. Inside Issue 66 of 10 Magazine, we teamed up with Chanel to spotlight a series of actors, musicians, activists, writers and artists who are fueled by talent, self-belief and are ready to shape the cultural landscape. Their time is now.

Today, we spotlight bright on-screen talent Shalom Brune-Franklin. The Anglo-Australian star of Line of Duty and Netflix smash Cursed always gives life to strong female characters.

Where is your happy place?

“With my friends and my family – 100%. The more I’ve worked in this industry, the more I’ve realised you’re constantly spending time alone in a hotel room. It’s made me have a lot more gratitude for my family and friends. What do we do together? Laughter, food, drinks and everyone talking over the top of one another. When you’re with people who you love unconditionally and they love you back, you feel so at peace and relaxed.”

Why do you need a happy place?

“Oh my gosh, could you imagine a world without one? I’m so excited to go home tonight. I’m just gonna go straight down that M25 and – bam! – walk into my nan and grandad’s house and we are most likely gonna eat loads of food and play dominos. I just know, as soon as I smell their house, I’m gonna be at peace.”

Shalom Brune-Franklin wears Chanel. Taken from Issue 66 of 10 Magazine – MY, HAPPY, PLACE – is out NOW. Order your copy here.


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