One of the most joyful emergings of the pandemic has been Jonathan Anderson’s show-in-a-box. Across both Loewe and his eponymous label JW Anderson, the designer’s tactile, crafty creations have been a soothing balm for those stuck looking at fashion through a screen for the last year and a half.
He’s printed lookbooks on wallpaper, made his own newspaper and even created a portable record player which could be spun by hand. This season sees the designer commission his own annual calendar. Behind the lens is Juergen Teller, who has captured JW Anderson’s last four collections. He photographs models Abby Champion and Mona Tougaard as they scale towers of tyres at a local London mechanics, pastiching your noughties pin-up girl. They wear hot pink PVC going out-out dresses, swollen trousers made of Japanese denim and paired-back frocks with handkerchief hemlines that are dotted with malleable rings of all colours.
This season, Anderson strived for a clash of textures and ideas. From the gentle curves of the Twister bag – an old JW Anderson favourite that has recently been reissued – to the Art Deco curves the Bumper Heel Sandal, which comes inflated with total hedonism.
The pièce de résistance? Juergen Teller getting in on the action. The photographer gives his best stab at channelling a Page 3 stunna’, posing inside the calendar clad in a pair of budgie smugglers and surrounded by a bunch of oily tyres he’d bought from the mechanics. Utterly bonkers yet brilliant in every sense.
Photography by Juergen Teller.