Nine Lords a leaping? No. Nine Dior dames a striding. Striding like their very lives depended on it, which they sort of do when you think about it – okay, maybe not their literal lives, but their livelihoods, sure. There’s a fierceness here, militancy even, something you’re not initially sure of upon hearing the eery strings at the beginning, but as soon as that beat drops, and there’s a cut to those two girls looking tres aloof in their ginormous Dior shades and all black get-ups, you just know that this is all about ladies who don’t take any shit. And why should they? They’re young, have more talent in their little fingers than many of us could hope to attain in a lifetime, and they’re wearing new season Christian Dior. Shot by Brigitte Lacombe, our photographer captures the individual personalities of these women without compromising the united group theme that underlined Maria Chiuri’s Fall 2017 collection, and her ‘We Should All Be Feminist‘ tees before that. Girls – get your shades on and get in formation.