Stephen Jones. Master milliner. We don’t know many, but even if we did, he’d still be our favourite. And here’s a reminded why – launching tomorrow at Dover Street Market, his collaboration with Gosha Rubchinskiy, first shown at Gosha’s SS18 show in St Petersburg, for whom he produced a most handsome assemblage of berets. Did you know that, according to Wikipedia (so it must be true), archaeological finds have revealed that berets were being donned as far back as the Bronze Age? Many thousands of years later, they will form an integral part of Mr. Rubchinskiy’s third delivery, where, instead of being worn on a Woolly mammoth hunt or such, they will provide the perfect accompaniment to Gosha’s adidas infused wares.
The collection will be going live via DSML E-Flash, which, despite sounding quite naughty, is in fact Dover Street’s online platform for dedicated product launches. But you knew that. While the berets (understandably) take centre stage, that’s not the only millinery magic at play here. If you’re one for warm ears, deerstalkers and something verging on an ushanka (“those Russian hats”) will also be available, alongside the third instalment of Gosha’s SS18 offering, perfectly timed for the cold snap that is now upon us.
Gosha Rubchinkskiy AW17 Third Delivery launches Saturday 28th October 11am at Dover Street Market and on DSML E-Flash