The Fragrance: Chanel No.5 L’Eau


In the 1950s Marilyn Monroe wore it to bed. In the 1960s, according to their advertising, every woman alive wanted it and every woman alive loved it. And then, in the 1980s, it was all about sharing the fantasy. Not that we ever shared ours. And now, in whatever the shorthand is for the decade we’re in, it is simple and sophisticated, fresh and audacious, mysterious and iconic, and has a new name: L’Eau. It’s fair to say that Chanel No5 has gone through more transformations than Cher. And yet, like the creation she wore when she won best actress Oscar for Moonstruck, it remains ever present in our minds. You know it and you don’t. Think of it as a mini lift that douses you with an aura of youthfulness. There really is nothing that can turn back the hands of time quite like scent. Who wants to smell old? There’s a reason people pour milk down the sink when it starts to smell bad: age. Classic notes of rose and jasmine mingle with citrus and musk, creating a “floral whirlwind”, behind which you can “feel a vibration, an unprecedented sense of liveliness”, as you are “plunged into the heart of a bouquet”. To put aside Cher for a second and reach for another musical icon of the 1970s – like a Kool & the Gang hit single, Chanel No5 L’Eau is fresh and exciting. Not to mention so inviting. And young.

Take from “Ten Commandments” Issue 57 of 10 Magazine, TRUE RANDOM AUTHENTIC, on newsstands now… 

Photographer Pelle Crépin
Fashion Editor Will Johns

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