There is not a human on earth who does not enjoy the scent of fresh flowers. A human that does not enjoy the scent of flowers would have to be deranged with a heart of coal, in fact. As Natalie explains, “Flowers are a symbol of rebirth. They rise from the ground to cheer us. Flowers are like Jesus rising from the dead to save us.” Natalie is not religious. She continues, unprompted. “To totally bastardise the great work of William Shakespeare, “Would a rosebud by any other name be so plump and full of life if it did not have young blood pumping through it.” She’s cracked. Whatever her bizarre and cryptic and statement means, it just goes to show the sheer passion the idea od the humble flower can inject into ones soul. Sometimes, heterosexual Natalie enjoys whispering sweet nothings into Garth Allday Spencer’s homosexual ears. A terrifyingly awkward / fantastically entertaining act to witness, I’m sure you can imagine. Not surprising then, that Natalie’s dream would be to send Sir Spencer an alluring and seductive bouquet. She breaks into Wham – “And I know that I’ll make you happy, with the one thing you never had”. Flowers. From a woman. How would that make him feel? “It would make me feel nervous, anxious and nauseous. But I would probably give in.” What he is giving in to exactly I’m not sure, but it sounds like a result for both parties. See, it’s the power of the flower. Imagine then, the flower power of Velvet Ginestra by Dolce and Gabbana. It’s amazingly intense. In fact, the Mediterranean Broom extract it contains is so resilient it can survive in the very driest of soils surrounding Sicily’s Mount Etna, where you can find it if you’re ever passing by. And if you’re not, just head to Harrods, where you can find it exclusively. Bottled beautifully for your convenience and happiness. The fragrance is opulent, spicy, warm, and bursting with blooming notes guaranteed to pleasure the senses, much like how Natalie pleasures Garth’s.