Ten Thinks: Shopping Now? A Queue Culture


Thursdays are the new Saturdays. Fridays too.

The old shopping routine for fashion people, and general hanging around boutiques talking, used to happen on Saturdays. Fashion shoppers chatted with shop staff and showed off a bit and shop staff squeezed the cash out of us lot as if milking a cow. 

We knew and they knew the bonhomie was a merely dance which lead to a substantial fashion transaction. 

Thursdays and Fridays in London’s Soho have taken much of the old Saturday shopping buzz and repackaged it. In a white plastic Supreme bag. Palace too. 

These two skate brand bags are telegraphs of a club membership. Members are generally, but not exclusively, teenage boys who are  “in to” skate but mainly the skate look.

Chinos replace jeans and things look like a new second hand. The high street is having some of it and have ripped it, raped it and just about killed it. You can look like a skateboarder now and not have a skateboard. But then that’s nature of the high street. Less trickle down more facsimile fashions. 

As this goes up on the 10 website, not three minutes from our office, young lads on half term queue and smoke and gas and laugh and shop. It’s this energy marketeers would love to bottle and other brands mimic. How long will this queue culture last? 

As long as the buzz still hums.

Photograph by Maciek Kobielski, taken from Issue 46 of 10 Men, REBEL HEART

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