Ten Commandments: Dunhill’s Document Bag

Dunhill10C2The new A4-sized bag from Dunhill is your ultimate document bag with handles. Document bags are great for those meetings. You know, the ones you have three weeks to prepare for, but instead download Hayu.com, the TV app showing just about every shockingly bad but incredibly excellent American reality-TV show ever made, and fall into the seventh hell of Atlanta Plastic and Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry. Three weeks later and it’s the night before the big meeting. Nothing is ready, no report, just some scribbles on a receipt from Twins Dry Cleaners, Soho, which reads, “It’s all about the ’70s as seen though the prism of the ’90s.” This made total sense at the time but not much now. And that’s it. Three weeks’ work in one sentence. So, thinking on your feet, you create a mood board with a picture of Johnny Vaughan and Denise Van Outen with speech bubbles, each one repeating this all-encapsulating sentence. Then, at the meeting, you pull it out of your hand-stitched, calfskin, Engine Turn-print A4 bag by Dunhill, drawing gasps of admiration from the gathered execs. And the idea – the three weeks of work distilled into an essence that sums up the now – what of that? “Incredible!” proclaim the execs. Job done. The future sorted. Thank you, Dunhill.

Taken from the latest issue of 10 Men, REBEL HEART, on newsstands now…

Collages by Betrayal Junkie


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