Ten Towers is on a mission of self-improvement. Our intern Alex has given up pastry. Well, until he ate a croissant this morning. He’s trying. My resolve – to be more cultured. In a real way – as in, not just by pretending that an episode of Scream Queens/American Horror Story/Masterchef: The Professionals counts as intellectual fulfilment. Or by carrying a book in by bag that I will never actually read. Imagine my joy, then, when I found out a new Tate Modern exhibition opened yesterday – Alexander Calder: Performing Sculpture. Perfect timing for my newly cultured life! Not heard of Mr Calder? Well he made mobiles. Fancy artistic mobiles. Or, in more art history friendly terms, he was “a radical figure who pioneered kinetic sculpture, bringing movement to static objects… bringing sculpture into the 4th dimension.” Yer, that. The exhibition, running until April, will bring together his most important works from around the world, as well as showcasing his collaborative projects in the fields of film, theatre, music and dance. If you need me, I’ll be off appreciating art somewhere. Do not disturb.