Who knew Eddie Redmayne was the keeper of the keys? He holds them all, it seems. But to what? Your heart, perhaps, but that can’t be all. It looks as if he’s on a mission, set to explore the world, in the finest Italian wares no less. Where’s he off to? What does it mean, this intense and intriguingly mysterious impression on his little face? So many questions, so little time. What we do know, according to Prada HQ, is that these beaut images shot by Craig McDean are inspired by 19th Century neo-classical paintings in which Ed does what he does best by portraying a variety of characters, including a hero, villain and revolutionary. More than your average campaign, Eddie’s talents bring such emotion, depth and atmosphere to the images that they have literally hypnotised 10 Magazine mistress Sabrina into a state of paralysis. When asked her opinion on the campaign, another unidentified lady in the office explained that she learnt recently via Colour Me Beautiful, that auburn hair in craftwork and Autumnal colours equals an extremely pleasant and undeniably satisfactory result. We wish Eddie good luck in his travels. Wherever he is, he’s never looked better.