Prada’s Autumn/ Winter 2018 Menswear Campaign is titled ‘Observia’ and so observe we shall. Let’s hope that’s what it means. It’s only right to analyse and dissect every detail of a new Prada campaign. It’s the next chapter of the 365 series, with the best bits of Autumn/ Winter 2018 shown on the best boys; actors Nick Robinson, Algee Smith, Paul Dano and Taylor Swift’s boyf Joe Alwyn. Love a celebrity couple selling point. Joe continues his domination of the Pradasphere, following on from his solo Spring/ Summer 2018 campaign moment, and is now leading the boys on some sort of highly confidential mission Miuccia has sent them on. We know these things. Photographed by Willy Vanderperre, the Prada warehouse is the new place to be, in their ID tags, bucket hats, oversized shirting and wide legged pants. The looks we loved. Like a ‘90s R&B star meets janitor, which is totally a look. And of course we love a man in a suit, the heat of the warehouse contrasted to the cold, sleek and chic portraits of the boys in their black and white Prada best. Like a really great mug shot. We know that the Prada man gets up to no good no matter how good they look doing it.