Running fashionably late, fabulously dressed and immaculately coiffured, the guests for Peter Pilotto’s SS19 show convened round tables, or perched on stools. Sipping on cocktails and flutes of fizz, their diamonds twinkled in the low-lighting of Trader Vic’s on Park Lane as they happily chatted away. For SS19, Peter Pilotto and Christopher De Vos manifest their obsession with the fantastical frosted splendour of French Gallé glass with a hint of Venetian opulence. Their woman was, indeed, as the show notes stated, a “radiant vessel for light”. She had an air of Pre-Raphaelite grace as she weaved around the carpeted catwalk, with silk and organza billowing behind.
The collection was permeated with shiny accents of gold and blown-up watercolour florals. Aside from a multitude of evening gowns, there were tailored double-breasted dress coats and trench coats with puffball sleeves. They held orb-like bags, the product of a collaboration with Rosantica, built up of beads, crystals or pearls, and filled with citrus fruits. Over sized costume jewellery designed by Marco Panconesi hung from their ears and circled their wrists. His on looking customers snapped away on their iPhones as the looks breezed past, shopping the catwalk for their next cocktail party or exotic getaway.
Photographs by Jason Lloyd-Evans.