Pierre Balmain Homme
Pierre Balmain Femme.
Hot models will always shift rags. Fact. But what’s really rather special is when the hot models and the clothes become one, and try as you might to undress said models with your filthy eyes…it’s simply impossible-they are one! You no longer wanna do that model…you wanna be that bloody model! Who wants to just slip it in, when you can live inside their actual bodies? This is really modern! Obviously it’s all impossible, and I’m not actually blogging about Balmain’s latest range of body transplants. But what does it tell us? Balmain know the power of a simple set up. Hot model + hot garms = clothes flying of rails. And fly they shall, when Balmain’s new decidedly downtown diffusion line ‘Pierre Balmain’ hits stores in S/S 12. Cannot wait to stare at myself open pout and folded arms, in the that leather/denim jacket. I might even get my tranny on and see If I can slip into that shirt dress/denim mini combo. Cause until body transplants do become available, I’d rather be a wanna be than a never gonna be. You get me?!
by Vincent Levy