Should you ever want to audition for the silent performance trio the Blue Man Group (not to be confused with a support group for men who are blue, as in sad), it would make sense to, like Tobias Fünke when he infamously auditioned for the group, blue yourself up first. It shows you have taken the time to familiarise yourself with the look of the group and therefore are fully committed to being able to take the place of a member who is suddenly unable to perform. However, painting oneself can be a messy business. How do you even go about making sure your back is evenly covered without the aid of someone else? Which is why we recommend thinking outside the box and using the medium of fashion to transform yourself into the appropriate hue. Which is why we also suggest investing in this smart Neil Barrett matching jacket and trouser number. Not only does it fulfil the colour requirement, it also adds a smart air to your person. This is, after all, a job interview of sorts and as we all know from careers day at school, one must always show up to a job interview looking smart and polished, even if the career you’ve been matched with is fishmonger. If people ask you if you are feeling blue, too, never forget that you are only blue in colour and Neil Barrett – nothing more, nothing less.
Taken from Issue 45 of 10 Men, FLUID UNIQUE BRAVE, on newsstands now…
Photographers Luke & Nik
Fashion Editor Will Johns