Isn’t it great when two of your favourite things come together without you having to do anything at all? Like this – brilliant Brit-designer Neil Barrett’s Hybrids Series Collection, made in collaboration with our fav glossy fash mag (bar our own, obviously) Interview. So what does a Neil Barrett/Interview baby look like? Well, apart from looking mighty handsome, having such aesthetically pleasing parents, it comes in the form of a capsule collection. Made up of printed tees and sweaters, each piece has a special “hybrid” of Interview magazine’s most iconic covers – DiCaprio, Liz Taylor, Brad Pitt et al. It’s the very first time that Interview magazine have let someone loose in the archives for such fashion purposes which makes it, obviously, very very special. It goes on sale today, November 28th. Which also happens to be my birthday. Any of these would make the perfect gift. Hint.