These are the Winners of Milan’s Eighth Fashion Film Festival

Here at 10, we believe that fashion and film go hand-in-hand and a picture that overflows with exquisitely detailed garbs is free to steal our eyes at any time. Milan’s annual Fashion Film Festival is doing just that and so much more. The eigth edition of the fashion-filled event is well underway and celebrates the industry’s most innovative creatives along with the spiffy motion pictures that have made noise in fashionland.

In collaboration with the Italian Fashion Council, the celebration between fashion and cinema transcends the idea of what fashion can be as we are all invited into a limitless world of snazzy fashion lovers and genre-defying directors. Chaired by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli, the digital platform received over 1,000 entries from 58 countries submitted by all who wished to participate. This year marks a celebratory shift as the festival wishes to reflect social issues, bringing gender inequality, inclusivity and environmental concerns into play.

First up to the virtual stage is Byron Rosero’s A Night at the Museum. Winner of the Best Fashion Film and Music award, the motion picture created for Moncler reimagines the traditional perspective of art and the spaces that hold it. It sees models integrate themselves into an empty gallery as they create a home for themselves within the space.

Marine Serre’s fashion film Ostal 24 explores the designer’s imagination through a thought-provoking lens. The 13-minute-long short transports the viewer through interior and exterior worlds that come from the past, present and future immersed in a Marine Serre universe. The picture was awarded Best Photography due to its striking visuals and thirst-quenching garments which showed models dressed head-to-toe in the designer’s crescent moon monogram.

The 8th edition of the Italian film festival highlighted up-and-coming talent from around the globe featuring a slew of young directors, photographers and stylists that kept our eyes glued to the screen the entire way through. Best New Italian Fashion Film was won by La tassinara directed by Gregorio Franchetti and Ilya Sapeha whilst the Best Styling award was given to emerging Shanghai-based label Didu for its 5-minute short The Last Dance of Life.

Alongside these emerging creatives, the platform screened projects produced by established fashion houses including the likes of Gucci, Fendi and Hermes. A round of applause for the winners.

Photography courtesy of Moncler.

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