What do we have here? Why, two balls and a large wooden bat. But that, my dear, is for another day. Because today we’re meeting Suzy. Let me tell you about Suzy. Suzy loves long brunches. She love “rocking out” to her favourite band. Swinging by pilates before work. Cocktails after. But Suzy is not, as said activities may suggest, a human. No, Suzy is a bag. A lovely new Bally bag. Which is quite obvious, considering said bag appears in the image above. Isn’t Suzy a beauty? As the notes say, she is “a fresh, youthful, day to night bag with a personality of its own”. They also tell us that the bag is inspired by the B-Loved bag from AW16, with the same B-turn lock – but this one is a little smaller, with a more glam golden chain shoulder strap. It’s available in block and tri-colour suede, python and calf skin, as well as a version with studs. But be quick – she’ll only be available this winter. Run. Go. Get.