Lovers’ Rock: Family And Friends On Loving Vivienne Westwood

For many, Vivienne Westwood is more than just a fashion label. It’s a way of life, a spiritual home, a rallying cry and a moral beacon. The late designer’s rebel creativity resonated through the decades and is now in the safe hands of her husband and design partner Andreas Kronthaler and her granddaughter Cora Corré, who represents The Vivienne Foundation. Together they preside over a global army of Westwood lovers, from family and make-up artists to poets and musicians, who all wear the label as a badge of honour.

Portrait by Wayne Hanson. Andreas wears VIVIENNE WESTWOOD ARCHIVE.

Cora Corré, co-founder of The Vivienne Foundation and Vivienne’s granddaughter

10: Why are you a Westwood lover and what does Vivienne mean to you?

CC: I am a Westwood lover because it’s part of my family. It’s something I grew up with, there is a nostalgia in it. But also, as I’ve grown into an adult, it is truly one of the brands that I feel most confident and comfortable and empowered in.

10: What was your first piece of Westwood?

CC: The first piece that I can remember is a mini coat, made for me when I was about three years old, which was tucked with a little black velvet collar. My grandma used to make me clothes every year for Christmas and my birthday, mini versions of things from her collection. And then obviously as I grew up and became a teenager, I started wearing stuff which I loved and wanted to pick out from the shop.

10: And what was your most recent?

CC: It was actually very plain – a black, long pair of suit trousers which I know that I will have forever.

10: What adventures have you had in your Westwood?

CC: Lots! I’ve been to many a party ina very tight corset. [A corset is] also one of those things that no matter where youare or what you are doing, you just feel empowered, great and kind of contained.

10: How does putting on a piece of Vivienne Westwood make you feel?

CC: I think as a young woman, putting on a piece of Westwood makes me feel empowered. It makes me ready for my day and makes me feel like a boss-ass lady.


Princess Julia, DJ

10: Why are you a Westwood lover and what does Vivienne mean to you?

PJ: Well, it’s an historical fact that I am a Westwood lover. I’ve been a great fan of hers since 1976 and have maintained a very healthy relationship with fashion and creating looks. Most of it has a foundationwithin the Westwood ethos.

10: What was your first piece of Westwood?

PJ: Oooh! Probably from Seditionaries [the name of Westwood and Malcolm McLaren’s SEX boutique between 1976 and 1980], [after] saving up for a pair of bondage trousers in the mid-Seventies. Then I havea few bondage tops from that era and it just carried on over the years.

10: And what was your most recent?

PJ: I actually borrowed something from Ed Marler ’cause, you know, you can borrow things. A little black, sort of dirndl dress with some white lace on. [But] I have bought things! I went to Westwood at Worlds End [renamed from Seditionaries], which I love and adore because you get such beyond unique pieces down there. They do reruns of things. I am really passionate about it. I’ve got a shirt that doubles up as a dress and it’s got a hood on it and a tailored pinstripe tight fabric. Also, a toga remake that’s got a slogan on it and a beret that’s got the word “Motherfucker” on it.

10: What adventures have you had in your Westwood?

PJ: It’s been a continual companion through my style-obsessive life, so everyday is an adventure, isn’t it, when you’ve got a bit of Westwood on? You’re always causing a stir in whatever you wear from Westwood.

10: How does putting on a Vivienne Westwood piece make you feel?

PJ: Stylish. And quite tall if you’ve got a pair of high heels on. It’s quite radical actually and somehow, within the cloth, within the stitching, there comes a spirit. It is something to do with a cut of a Westwood garment that gives you an empowered feeling. It is really hard to describe. The way a look can make you feel contorted but in a very stylish, interesting way.

Princess Julia wears VIVIENNE WESTWOOD

Kai Isaiah Jamal, poet, model and activist

10: Why are you a Westwood lover and what does Vivienne mean to you?

KIJ: I think Vivienne is and was a pioneer and an icon. I think she also invited a lot of people into spaces in which they were not necessarily always invited. I am a Westwood lover because you have to be. I feel like there was no one else who resisted and rebelled in such a glorious way. If you’ve got 20/20 vision and two eyes, I feel like you have to be a Westwood fan.

10: What was your first piece of Westwood?

KIJ: It was a hand-me-down T-shirt from a friend of mine. I was poor, I had no money or access to anything designer whatsoever and she gave me this T-shirt. I was dealing with gender stuff at the time so I always wanted something on me that would distract, like a slogan T-shirt or something, and she had a T-shirt saying, “I Am Not a Terrorist, Please Don’t Arrest Me”. I used to wear it everywhere. You get a response from it so that’s always fun… or not fun.

10: And what was your most recent?

KIJ: A pair of sunglasses. I call them upside-down aviators.

10: What adventures have you had in your Westwood?

KIJ: I think any time you put on a Westwood there is an adventure, because there is an idea of being a character or aversion of yourself, or a version of someone else’s image. That T-shirt took me on one of those adventures. I definitely got a lot of interaction from it, which is always interesting, to see what people think about what you’re wearing.

10: How does putting on a Vivienne Westwood piece make you feel?

KIJ: I think Vivienne did the most incredible thing, which is making you feel real and feel yourself but in an elevated space. For me that’s what I feel when I put on Vivienne Westwood. It’s this idea of feeling fabulous, feeling that maybe you can socially navigate in a different way. There’s a sense of assimilation but staying true to yourself, your integrity, your authenticity and moral compass. So yeah, I feel like a rock star.


Josh Quinton, DJ and artist

10: Why are you a Westwood lover and what does Vivienne mean to you?

JQ: I love the history of the brand and the legacy. It is creative and I am fascinated with it.

10: What was your first piece of Vivienne Westwood?

JQ: A down-squiggle top that someone just gave me. It was really moth-eaten and then someone stole it, as usually happens. I should name them now. I know who it was!

10: And what was your most recent?

JQ: It was a beautiful, Clueless-style, yellow tartan jacket, cropped with blue stripe trousers and a pink shirt. It was areally nice combination. I wore it for my birthday.

10: What adventures have you had in your Westwood?

JQ: I’ve been all over with my Westwood clothes. I’m a DJ so I travel quite a lot. They’ve seen all four corners of the Earth. Quite a lot of adventures in Paris particularly.

10: How does putting on a Vivienne Westwood piece make you feel?

JQ: I feel like the Josh I was meant to be. It makes me feel powerful and amazing.

Left: Josh wears necklace, jacket and trousers by ANDREAS KRONTHALER FOR VIVIENNE WESTWOOD. Right: Josh wears jacket, shirts and leggings by VIVIENNE WESTWOOD, boots by ANDREAS KRONTHALER FOR VIVIENNE WESTWOOD.

Isamaya Ffrench, make-up artist

10: Why are you a Westwood lover and what does Vivienne mean to you?

IF: I am a Westwood lover because the clothes are amazing and because Vivienne Westwood stands for something that a lot of brands don’t stand for, which is honesty, authenticity and the courage to stand up for what you believe in. She represents a lot of really important things.

10: What was your first piece of Westwood?

IF: It was a classic tartan kilt skirt. I’ve got a lot of vintage Westwood but this was the first piece I got from her store in London. I went in and bought it, so it is a little bit more special as I’m the first owner.

10: And what is your most recent?

IF: I don’t know if it counts, but it was one of the team T-shirts from the behind the scenes at a Westwood show, because I do the make-up for Vivienne and Andreas’s shows, and everyone gets a team T-shirt.

10: What adventures have you had in your Westwood?

IF: Oh my God. Listen, I am probably notallowed to talk about it, but one of the adventures was in Naples when we shot the campaign with Juergen Teller. The Westwood team was there. We’d had two really long days shooting and afterwards the whole team, including myself, got extremely drunk and went upstairs to the styling room. All of the Westwood outfits were still out in this old hotel and everyone proceeded to get totally shit-faced and put all the clothes on. The amount of clothes I had to send to the dry cleaners the nextmorning, as they were covered in wine…I’m glad I didn’t have to pay that bill!

10: How does putting on a Vivienne Westwood piece make you feel?

IF: I think Helena Bonham Carter put it very well [at Vivienne’s memorial]. She said, “You can have a three-, if not four-course meal, and then go on a red carpet, looking as snatched as everyone else.” That’s what it does for you.


Yu Masui, journalist and street style icon

10: Why are you a Westwood lover and what does Vivienne mean to you?

YM: Vivienne Westwood is one of the first designers I got to know so instantly I fell in love. What she makes me feel is that I am not here without her. I came to London to study and work in fashion so my life is actually based on Vivienne.

10: What was your first piece of Westwood?

YM: I was going to bring it but I forgot. It’s a T-shirt! You know the Hollywood sign? They copied it to say “Westwood”. I bought it in the Worlds End store. Also, I bought a few cardigans. They used to have a kind of treasure chest, where you could grab the sale things and I bought some sale stuff. I was 16 or 17.

10: And what is your most recent piece?

YM: It’s the one I’m wearing. I bought it at Worlds End. They always produce a kilt. This is actually a women’s one. I also have a more classic one. I have a few different lengths. This one is medium, but they get shorter and shorter.

10: What adventures have you had in your Westwood?

YM: My life in fashion, I guess. [laughs]

10: How does putting on a Vivienne Westwood piece make you feel?

YM: It still makes me feel special, comfortable and a bit powerful. Somebody walking on the street with these shoes – you have to have a bit of an attitude. It gives me lots of energy.

Yu wears VIVIENNE WESTWOOD, all from his personal archive 

Taken from Issue 71 of 10 Magazine – FASHION, ICON, DEVOTEE – on newsstands now. Order your copy here.


Photographer JOSHUA TARN
Talent CORA CORRE at Tess Management, JOSH QUINTON at The Wynter Agency, PRINCESS JULIA at IMG Models, KAI ISAIAH JAMAL at EYC Agency, YU MASUI and ISAMAYA FFRENCH at Streeters
Hair DAVIDE BARBIERI at Caren using Balmain Hair Couture
Make-up INDIA EXCELL using Tom Ford Beauty
Photographer’s assistant JOE PETINI
Hair assistant JOSE DOMENE
Digital technician JOE WILES

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