Once again, that time of year is upon us, when the fashionable masses from all four corners of the globe descend on our fair city for four days filled with clothes, parties, free flowing champagne and cotton wool soaked in orange juice to make it go down easier. Food is so passe. Yes, London Fashion Week is here again. And no, nobody really eats cotton wool soaked in orange juice. We aren’t some Ab Fab parody, British fashion is a serious business. And judging by this mornings private view of the designer showrooms at LFW’s Brewer Street home and heart of the action it promises to be a stellar season. So follow us on newsite.10magazine.com to keep up to date with all the fashionable happenings throughout the week, not to mention Instagram (@10magazine), Snapchat (ten_magazine) or Twitter (10magazine_). Social media rules the world after all and we rule social media. Think of us as the Queen B of fashion, right at your finger tips. We’re always just a swipe of the screen away.
Photograph by Jason Lloyd-Evans, backstage at J.W.Anderson AW17