John Galliano The Puppet Show In Todays Most


In today’s most fabulous news, just in via, John Galliano’s Charlie Rose interview, in which he had apologised for the infamous incident is to be adapted for the stage. Starring puppets! I feel like I should use more than one exclamation mark here. Or post the sound of me hyperventilating with excitement.

To accompany the release of its fourth issue, niche Paris-basedfashion annual Vestoj created a bespoke six-act theater piece starring “Little John,” a puppet version of John Galliano. The 20-minute play dovetails from the fall issue’s theme of “fashion and power” and is based on a televised interview the disgraced Dior designer gave on “Charlie Rose” last June. The next performance is scheduled for Dec. 10 at the Silencio nightclub in the French capital, to be followed by another on Feb. 4 at the London College of Fashion.”

Apparently, puppet John’s outfit is modelled on the outfit real John wore to take his bow post his 2007 Madame Butterfly couture show. Where do I buy tickets?

Read all about it here:

by Natalie Dembinska

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