Yet another visual feast for your hungry, beauty-famished eyes, this time in the form of the legendary Jean-Paul Goude, who brings his exhibition, “So Far So Goude” to Milan’s PAC museum this Spring. Goude, know by the post-internet generation as the man who made Kim Kardashian’s arse into a handy ledge for which to balance one’s champagne glass and for the pre-internet generation the man who took that photograph of Grace Jones and in doing so made her the aspiration for everyone everywhere (basically, if she’s not the woman that you see when you look in the mirror then you need to work a bit bloody harder) will show more than 270 images, photographs and sketches from his long career.
The exhibition, hosted by clever shoe and apparel-makers, Tod’s, explores how his now cult photographs have defined how we look at both women and race, alongside their enduring appeal and the intricate processes behind each iconic image. “From the “minets” of the ’60s to the legendary Esquire Magazine in the following decade, from the New York of Warhol and cultural hybrids to Grace Jones,” Tods say of the artist, “Goude has always managed to capture the mood, or spirit, of the time in a definitive form.” And if that’s not reason enough for us to re-peruse through the archives then what is? Delve deep, Tenners.
‘So Far, So Goude’ remains at Milan’s PAC Museum until 19 June.