Today we are celebrating International Women’s Day. A day to celebrate social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. In honour of this day, I would like to take the time to celebrate the women of 10 Magazine. Four women. All of whom frequent the walls of 10 HQ. Sophia, Phoebe, Natalie and Sabrina. Four women who should in fact need no introduction. Certainly in the case of Empress Neophitou, the most fabulous of women who’s power and glamour never fails to reign. A sheer force to be reckoned with, a voice to be heard. And a voice you will hear if you’re within 10 miles of her. Along with the best and boldest laugh a woman could hope to possess. Then we have Phoebe Briggs, 10’s newest woman. Only ever dressed and accessorised in various shades of black, her positivity, which even manages to burn through and enlighten our aching souls at 9am on a Monday morning, is never concealed by these chic, coal coloured cloaks. Natalie Dembinska is also a woman. A woman very close to our hearts. The epitome of a brilliant woman. A hilarious woman. A clever woman. A ravishing woman. Not only is she a woman, she is a mother. To me, Will Johns, her immaculate conception. A woman who really does have it all. We would also like to celebrate Sabrina Soormally. Sabrina is the youngest of the species here at 10. So young in fact that, despite referring to herself as ‘an old maiden’, she has only lived for a mere one-thousand, two-hundred and fifty-one weeks. It should not come as a surprise then, that Sabrina does not resemble an old maiden. She resembles a young maiden. Cheers to you, our wonderful women. Keep repping. Now run along, Ten readers, and celebrate the women around you.
Michele Lamy photographed by Maria Ziegelbock for Issue 56 of 10 Magazine, on newsstands now…