Giorgio Armani: Resort 2019

There’s always something quite ethereal about a Giorgio Armani collection. We imagine that it’s what they wear at the gates of heaven, aerodynamically ruffling in the breeze. Is there a breeze in heaven? We’re not entirely sure, can’t say we’ve been, but we are certain that Armani would look good up there on all those fluffy clouds, golden gates and a choir of angelic voices singing in perfect harmony. The collection for Resort 2019 is titled ‘Weightless’ a word that embodies the Armani flow that Mr Armani has completely captured, secured and continues to produce. It’s down to all that soft gracefulness in loosely tailored suits and the Armani version of a tracksuit which is probably the chicest sweatpants we’ll ever see. Not to actually sweat in, but the Armani woman isn’t working out, she’s working IT. The motto. Pretty sheer pleated ankle-length dresses and skirts are resort-ified in pastel coloured low and high top trainers, never a statement sneaker, just back to classic basics. The Armani uniform continues to be a liberating pant paired with thin tee and round collarless jacket. And oh how we love those petal-like tiered sheer dresses that swish so surreally. As they said, weightless all elected in the make-up, graphic greatness in those turquoise lined eyes. Mr Armani is staying in his righteous lane, full speed ahead.

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