You know that woman, dressed in Le Smoking, slightly dishevelled, very louche, the fabulous creature that minced her way across a cabaret stage in the dead of night, looking mysterious, a throwback Sharon Needles but less spikey? And possibly not a drag performer. And before you kick off about this being a men’s magazine and question the mention of ladies you should aspire to be, we live in a brave new world where if you want to pump iron while executing a perfect pirouette, you’re free to do so. Haven’t you seen Drag Race? Where have you been living? Under a rock? So, since you’ve had no access to a TV or the internet, and have therefore had the largest cultural phenomenon of this century pass you by, please know that you’re also free to walk around with a bag in the crook of your arm. The best way to channel the aforementioned female icon is with a Saint Laurent Noe tote, obviously. Made of linen and leather, the new leather and lace, and printed with the words Rive Gauche Saint Laurent on the front, it’s the gender-fluid accessory of the bag world. And what’s more, it’s the perfect size to fit all of your modern-day accoutrements in. Wigs and dumbbells. Not to mention a stash of autographed mugshots for any adoring fans who might approach you in the street.
Taken from issue 47 of 10 Men Magazine, SHIFT POWER NEW, on newsstands now…