This was inspired by Giselle. The ballet, not the supermodel. Which is a bit of a dark and involves a group of dead virgin women who dance men to death. Whether or not that was the exact reference point Mr Saab was going for this season (there is this whole other redemptive love thing, blah-blah) we’re sticking with it because really, if you were going to channel any woman, why not an undead man-hating spirit dancer? And, on a more clothing-based note, there was undeniably something dark about these ladies, gothic almost – rich layers of black and deep purple, thigh-high leather boots and pants, woman-in-black Victoriana lace. Black fur trims that engulfed the neck. Not that this was austere. The opposite. It was sexy. Because how else is a woman to ensnare that errant gentleman than with say, a swish of sheer fabric, lingerie bearing gowns and layer upon layer of froufy ruffles?
Photographs by Jason Lloyd-Evans