Eckhaus Latta continue to carve out their own vision of utopia. These are clothes that Mike Eckhaus and Zoe Latta make for the self-formed community that surrounds them – their friends, their families, the people they love – and it just happens to be that the rest of us want to wear it too. The duo have always favoured that kind of unravelled aesthetic, clothing that falls on the body in unexpected ways – and today, the focus was back there, on the body – clothes that curved on to the various men’s and women’s body shapes.
Necklines came down low, revealing suggestions of nipple, another dress was opened up to reveal pregnant belly beneath, whilst the boys who walked had an altogether new type of cleavage, revealed in low-cut bumster trousers, or otherwise were decorated with clay and paint, splashed across the chest. It makes for clever, emotional clothing, that’s more than deserving of the sizeable buzz that surrounds the pair.
Photographs by Jason Lloyd-Evans