What does a vague whiff of Canada smell like? Maple syrup? Poutine? Or, in this case, should we say what does a vague whiff of Canada look like? Because that’s what we’re getting from this, DSquared2’s Pre-Fall 2017 collection. Which is, of course, little surprise – Dean and Dan Caten are Canadian themsleves and, of late, have been going through a minor fascination with their homeland, culminating in them designing the outfit’s for Canada’s Olympic Team at Rio’s Opening Ceremony last year. Nothing as explicit as the giant maple leaves that emblazoned that here, but the country hear inspires through the colours – rich red, white, a hefty amount of black, as well as the mountain pine tree prints that creep up the hems of dresses and t-shirts. So too is this mountain theme continued with hefty outerwear in lumberjack checks, furry trapper hats and a stiletto and walking sock situation. I mean, how else is one to climb a big old peak?