Dean and Dan Caten of DSquared2 can inject anything with a dose of high-octane glamour and sex appeal – remember that time a few years back when their models trudged through mud in towering heels, in an ode to “Clamping”? Well, think of a portmanteau for glamour and grunge, two seemingly paradoxical bedfellows which, in the standard DSquared2 style, got into quite a tryst on their winter 2017 catwalk. This time, there was the added mix of guys and girls, meaning the Caten sexiness was amped up twofold (although, as it was winter, the boys kept their tops on. You can’t win ‘em all). Hence the fact the collection was has tagged #D2together. Geddit? There was also a veritable landslide of desirable dressing, from glitzy slips to fur-trimmed parkas, all mixed up and mismatched to give Caten clients of both genders and all persuasions plenty to pull from to create their own instantly-identifiable, Instagram-friendly looks. Our favourites? let’s list them: the prairie smocked dresses and ruffled full-length evening gowns with a vague Victoriana bent; the buckled and stud-bristled combat boots with hefty lug soles; the trailing lumberjack plaids with serious Kurt Cobain undertones; the buttery shearlings; the giant fox-fur Russian-style ushankas. Yeah, there was a whole lot going on here, and it was pretty much all good.
Photographs by Jason Lloyd-Evans