Barbie: Grace Ladoja’s ‘Loving the Crew’

When I was younger as a sign of self-expression I used to cut off my Barbie’s hair, then when they all sported some pretty hap-hazard part balding looks I moved onto my own hair, this didn’t end much more successfully. Now, I like to think I am older and wiser and have learnt that I am not, never will be a hairdresser but that doesn’t mean I am too old for Barbies. Are we ever?

Grace Ladoja’s latest film for Barbie Fashionistas celebrates sisterhood, beauty and girl power. That’s what Barbie stands for. With the release of the video comes “23 dolls featuring 14 different facial sculpts, 8 skin tones, 18 eye colours, 22 hair styles, and 23 hair colors, and fashions inspired by global fashion and beauty trends and authentic style.” The very talented young film maker was asked to “illustrate the precious energy that emanates when a diverse group of young women get together”. Something we all need.

Loving the crew is made up of six gorgeous, successful women that could be the next Destiny’s Child, Charlie’s Angels or even the Spicegirls, who taught us ladies how to be badass bitches. But not bitchy. Watch the full video to hear these inspiring women talk about ‘thoughts and concerns, their strength in numbers, and how sisterly support as well as fun, can be so empowering today.’

Just take it from me ladies, don’t let those scissors anywhere near their hair.



Talent: Sharmadean Reid, Harriet Verney, Carri Munden, Naomi Shimada, Shakira Kali

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