Should you be in search of amusement today, well it is a Saturday so why wouldn’t you be, may we recommend Googling ‘fashion press release’. It’s a highly amusing activity. Apparently for one to be successful you need something called a ‘grabber’, to grab your audiences attention, something like ‘from runway to your way’. Or you could just grab peoples attention with clothes. Not words. Which seeing as this is all about fashion might make more sense. So, Agnona. Was it attention grabbing? Yes. Does it need words to grab your attention? No. Think soft layers of snowy, double faced cashmere, alpaca, tweed and delicate silks. The silhouette is unapologetically feminine and discreetly glamorous. Think Alexis Colby turned down to 1. This is classy. But it doesn’t scream it, merely whispers.
Photographs by Jason Lloyd-Evans