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Sabato De Sarno described his sophomore men’s collection for Gucci as an encounter between the city and the beach.

“Englishness with an Italian accent,” said Gucci’s Sabato De Sarno of his first destination show for the Italian mega brand. Gucci’s Cruise '25 was held in the “tanks” of London’s…

Sabato De Sarno’s Gucci reset is gathering pace. He is steering the house in a cleaner, younger, sharper direction, building on the foundations of his clean cut debut. The designer moved…

Although he chose to show his women’s and men’s collections separately, Sabato De Sarno’s design handwriting for both arms of Gucci’s ready-to-wear is united under one sleek vision. Opening up…

“To dance. To sing. To sweat. To Live. To Breathe. Gucci” so said the strap line to Gucci’s Instagram as it unveiled the debut collection of Sabato De Sarno.

As we eagerly anticipate the upcoming spring/summer season, we're thrilled to share our beloved brands' latest ad campaigns. Brace yourself for a visual delight – a curated selection of images…

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