Alex Mullins: Menswear Spring/ Summer 2019

When one watches a show so feel-good and ultimately perfect from start to end, one calls the designer up immediately. Alex Mullins is sick of the climate change in fashion, “Everyone’s copying everyone and the only way to create original content is to dig your own path,” he told us. So dig it he did, 27 looks in a series of nine triptychs. It wasn’t overthought, it was simply from the heart of Mullins’ mind, thinking about exactly what he’d like to wear on holiday in what we’re envisioning as a tropical paradise with some sick underground raves. Chic but vividly thrilling. “No more urban luxury, it all felt a bit irrelevant now,” he said. So forget all that streetwear stuff, we are off on holiday to live our best lives. So called lives are best lived in crunchy suits with swimwear style fluro spandex vests over the top. Pump up that party. Deconstructed western shirts were the key to success and “tattoo graphics” came from literally “playing around with stickers” and then figuring out the treatments for them, and screen printing. Music was electro good, a Syrian artist Omar Souleyman on Diplo’s label was chosen via 10 Men contributor Victoria Sekrier who worked on the collection with Mullins via Skype (so 2018) and shazammed it in a cafe in Israel knowing it was just right. And that’s exactly what this collection was about. Following intuition and trusting that instinct. Mullins is the master at this. Everything happens for a reason. No bullshit here, just real raw honest ideas. Mullins is happy and we know it. The kind of collection that’s going to take us places. It’s going to be a good summer.

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